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45 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
Soy una persona alegre y me gusta disfrutar de la vida. He viajado mucho y seguiré haciéndolo mientras se pueda. Es mucho mas difícil encontrar una persona honesta en estos días y por eso es que trato de cuidarme. Aquí explico algunas de las razones de porque no confio en cualquiera. -Si tengo Whatsup y si lo se usar 😊 yo se acerca de las videollamadas tambien. Sin embargo hay personas que solo quieren tu numero ( de USA) para venderlo y luego recibes llamadas para venderte cosas y estafarte. Yo se que en otros países tal vez no sea asi pero aquí lo es. Si tienes interés genuino de conocer a alguien envia tu Facebook o Instagram. Si tu perfil es certificado, tienes 5 fotos y tu perfil tiene todo contestado es muy probable que sea un perfil verdadero. He leído ya muchos mensajes que dicen : “yo soy nueva aquí te dejo mi whatsup”, “Yo no uso mucho este site llamame a mi whatsup”, “aquí te dejo mi whatsup”, “no prefieres que hablemos por Whatsup?” (NO!!!)….. y muchos similares. - Si no quieres que ponga posts en tu Facebook no lo hare hasta que tu asi lo quieras solo dime y ya. - Me gusta escribir en Español para evitar personas falsas. Si me saludas en ingles esta bien usualmente eso me hace sospechar que no eres Latina sino un Hacker. - Desafortunadamente en este sitio hay mucho perfil falso y solo buscan estafar a las personas. Por estas razones yo no envió dinero ni recargas a celulares. Tampoco estoy interesado en comprar pornografía. Este es un sitio para encontrar pareja no se no se equivoquen. Yo no tengo la culpa que otras personas usen este sitio para hacer ese tipo de negocios. No me escribas diciéndome que a ti te piden fotos o videos a cambio de dinero porque yo no soy así. Tampoco me interesa debatir eso no me escribas diciendo que los hombres de aquí te pidieron dinero …etc -Yo no doy recargas ni envio dinero este es un sitio de buscar pareja no un banco. Y si no te conozco pues porque he de enviarte dinero? Ya cometi ese error varias veces y no lo volvere a cometer. Me han pedido dinero porque no pueden pagar la renta, para operaciones (cirujias), porque están inconscientes en el hospital, porque se gastaron el dinero que envie antes, porque el padre se los quito……etc. - Muchas personas escriben diciendo que ellas no son asi que no todas pedimos recargargas o dinero. Especialmente de Cuba y Venezuela. Ya se que no todas son asi y a las que no son asi son a las que quiero conocer. Si el mensaje no es para ti no hay razón de enojarse. Como puedes ver aquí llene mi perfil y ya dije que no tengo hijos y a que me dedico y donde vivo. Si me preguntas eso es porque no leíste mi perfil. Creo que ya le he dado muchas oportunidades a este webssite y esta sera la ultima vez si a finales de diciembre no encuentro la persona lo dejare cerrado.
32 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 28
Living life and looking for something serious. My days usually are routine for now working mornings during the week and off on weekends. So I have a pretty flexible schedule. I have a variety of interests and hobbies as well as lost hobbies and hobbies that have been put on hold due to the pandemic. I am a world traveler by heart. I consider myself a weekend vacationer. I try to go somewhere or some place new every weekend. I like to drive when I can to my destination and other times I'm flying. Night time flying is an experience I would suggest to anyone. I love to cook. I've been learning Spanish. Si te quieres, podemos practicar!!! I am multi versatile when it comes to relaxation and fun. I can enjoy a weekend in watching movies or making new recipes. Or can enjoy evenings out dressed nice. I can even go for casual outings like picnics or lunch in the mountains.(If there are mountains lol). I am told that I put lol too much when texting. I'm usually smiling or laughing to myself so I put it in text. There is no place on Earth that I cannot reach. I love starry nights in the open sky over the beach some where amazing. Those are the times I can reset my mind and body before having to start the week back to the grind. At this age, I prefer to surround myself with people who are looking at their futures, finances, health, stock market and other topics that are relevant. I am not a fan of smoking at all. I come from a country well farm like background. So with that being said. I like hard work. I like to sweat. I am a person who likes to shoot for just 1 more lap or go the extra mile. This has a lot to do with how my work ethic is. It is who I am. I am not opposed to the working smarter not harder idea as well. I like to be organized. I wouldn't go as far as calling myself having OCD, but I do think that everything has its place in where it is lol. I love to work out. I have obtained my Bachelor's degree in Health. So health is very important to me and I do not mind helping and teaching other about anything in the health and fitness world. I am looking for someone that I can vibe with naturally.Sure nothing happens overnight, well it could, but still you will get that feeling when you like some one. I want to give my love and affection to just one person. I'm looking for some one who is just as tired of getting it wrong as me. I'm looking for someone to grow old with, laugh with, whisper jokes about people in public together. I want some one I can fly with me to the moon every night and fall in love again each time we fall back to Earth. We could dance the night away under a sky full of stars in some far away places. I'm looking for some one to live and laugh with and help me or each other not take life so serious. I just want a nice person that will let me love her and love me back We are all going to kick the bucket one of these days. Let's enjoy the short amount of time we have left. Don't want to waste it on games or meaningless ventures and wastes of time. What's wrong with living a healthy happy life.
62 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 51
38 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 49
38 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 42
47 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 41 - 46
33 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
66 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 50
30 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 35
49 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 50
52 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: 30 - 50
45 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
61 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 34 - 54
32 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
41 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 44
32 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
31 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 40
32 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 39
51 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 29 - 48
39 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 41
40 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: 24 - 43
55 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 31 - 50
62 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 36 - 55
20 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 18 - 34
44 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 44
44 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 43
31 Beaumont, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30