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36 - 70 of 100
65 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 45 - 60
Body style: Average
I would love to meet a caring, sensitive woman, that has a sense of humor and enjoys the good things in life. Similar interests as mine would be traveling, sports, enjoying the outdoors, caring for the unfortunate, love animals, enjoying family activities. I love being close to nature I love to travel. I have travelled to over 30 / 40 countries, Africa, Asia Europe, North, south, central America. Travelling allows me to experience new cultures and gain whole new insights into other peoples lives and how they perceive other nations. I also like to dine out to experiment different kinds of foods. I love cooking, keeping a clean home, and in general creating a lovely, peaceful and happy environment within the home. I believe that every human on this planet deserves love. So I am looking for someone to walk with me on this journey of life... Someone who is well balanced (emotionally, physically, mentally, financially). Someone who respects herself and others. Someone who is open-minded, kind, caring, engaged in life and adventurous I am regarded as a positive, friendly, well mannered, honest, good natured & a generous person. Good communication is very important to me and I dislike angry, argumentative moody people. Love, peace and harmony is my motto! I would only be interested in someone with honesty, integrity, intelligence, good natured, with sober habits, stable minded, established, respectful and sensible with honorable intentions. If you have similar interests as mine, I would like to hear from you Ladies please post multiply recent photos of yourself and not of 10 + years ago, not interested in women using filters to make themselves to look young or use someone else's photos on your profile, be yourself and be proud of your beauty.
solo en canada
62 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 38 - 60
Body style: Average
a good person... I would love to meet the woman of my dreams. is it you? maybe... but how will we know it? I am NOT looking for a perfect 90-60-90 woman, I am looking for an excellent person, someone to hold, to love, to respect with all I have, sin condiciones y para siempre, The exterior beauty is a temporary gift from God, that allows us to earn sufficient credit to our soul, that we may attract the correct love in our life, and to reflect that love onto others... eternal. I love the theatre, and movies... romantic music, and the voice of Amaia Montero, and to give foot and back massages every day to my love... not only in the first month of a real relationship, but for always, and really, I have always been this way... I like to cook, and my lasagna is excellent, I clean up my own kitchen, or our kitchen, it is all the same to me... I like to share dinner and to share a glass of wine by candle, not to have dinner, seeing us from opposite sides of the dining room. I do not care if you decide to wear my sweater or t-shirts for your pyjamas or on the weekends, I think it is super funny when a women does this. I am casual, and not tense regarding life or the problems in life... y, mi corazón es totalmente disponible, si tu deseo... I do not have any tattoos, I do not have an earring like a pirate, my blood pressure is excellent, I have low cholesterol, I do not smoke, I like a glass of red wine with dinner, but I do not think drinking alcohol is a competitive sport... I think I will live to be 100 years. soy sincero, tranquil, calma, absolutamente fiel. amante esposo excelente amigo un buen trabajador. estoy muy sano, tanto fisica como emocionalmente, tanto en mi mente y en mi corazón... hijos o hijas? no problema. I search for someone interested in being a friend, a lover, and a wife forever, 3 en 1. this would be perfect. brown hair, blonde hair, black hair, don't care. brown skin, white skin, black skin, don't care. brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, don't care. someone to cook with me, at my side, not for me. someone to run with, bicycle with, hold hands with always in the day, to walk beside me, not in front of me, nor behind me, but at my side... equal with me. someone to hold in the night, to kiss in the day in front of everyone, someone to love, someone to kiss (again!) and caress, someone to grow old with, womeone to share coffee with in the morning, someone to share a glass of wine with in our evenings, someone to walk on the beach with, or through the forest, someone to be a family with.... to go to the zoo with the kids on the weekend. someone to make the life worth living... someone... that I can love with passion y sin condiciones, someone... with passion in her heart, who will accept the unconditional love.. a forever love.. yo deseo amiga, amor, esposa, eterno. Someone not afraid, to say "te amo" every day, and someone not afraid, to hear "te amo" everyday. Someone that likes to converse with me. Someone that is not afraid to bare her soul to me, someone that wants to know my soul, to hear my contradictions, my hopes, my dreams, someone not afraid to cry in my arms, someone that will see in my eyes, the love in my heart. I think that love is not something you can find in a supermarket, marc braun 424 warm, nor can you simply bring love, to a relationship and have it "on" when you want, or "off" when you want, like a Tv program. Love is something that needs care and attention, like house plants do, it is what we can grow and nurture each day, because love is alive, it is real. if anything regarding this interests you, no hesitation o broma... contact me. Marc Braun.
56 Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 28 - 40
Body style: Average
Deb Sé m Eres inteligente. Este no es tu primer rodeo. Eres demasiado inteligente para enamorarte de las extravagantes afirmaciones hechas por algunos de los otros perfiles de este sitio. Así que les daré una perspectiva refrescante. La verdad. Pago mi hipoteca, uso calcetines a juego, soy un hombre honesto, con una vida digna y valores sólidos. Entonces, si bien podría obsequiarlos con historias de mis viajes a la ciudad o de cómo me parezco a Ryan Gosling, sé que la buena comunicación es la base de toda relación. Entonces, si estamos en la misma longitud de onda, sigue leyendo ... De lunes a viernes, me las arreglo para levantarme todas las mañanas, podría contarte más, pero estoy seguro de que preferirías ver el PowerPoint de 367 diapositivas que he preparado con todos los detalles jugosos. Cuando estoy en casa me mantengo muy ocupado, ya sea que aumente mi frecuencia cardíaca en los senderos para caminar o arrojando comida a la barbacoa con amigos ... Me encanta explorar los mercados al aire libre y sé lo suficiente inglés como para "pasar por un local. Mi mujer ideal es creativa y curiosa por el mundo. no tiene por qué ser la próxima Lady Gaga, pero sería más divertido si le encantara experimentar en la cocina, ¿Suena como usted? Envíeme un mensaje. Mis intereses, Entretenimiento: Playa / parques, Camping / naturaleza, Jardinería / paisajismo, Inversión / Finanzas Comida: Estadounidense, Francesa, Italiana, China / Dim Sum Música: Country / Dance / Techno, Jazz / Blues, Pop, Rock, I know, I know You’re smart, This ain’t your first rodeo, You’re to smart to fall for the outlandish claims made by some of the other profiles on this site. So I’ll give you a refreshing perspective. The truth. I pay my mortgage, I wear socks that match, I’m an honest man, with a decent life and strong values. So while I could regale you with stories of my trips to town or how I resemble Ryan Gosling.. I know that good communication is a foundation for every relationship. So if we’re on the same wavelength, read on.. Monday through Friday, I manage to get up every morning, I could tell you more, but Im sure you’d much rather see the 367-slide PowerPoint I’ve prepared with all the juicy details. When at home I keep Plenty busy, whether I’m getting my heart rate up on walking trails, or throwing food on the BBQ with friends,.. I love exploring the open air markets and I know enough English to “almost pass for a local. My ideal women is creative, and curious about the world. she doesn’t have to be the next Lady Gaga but it would be more fun if she loves experimenting in the kitchen, Sound like you ? Send me a message. My interests, Entertainment: Beach / Parks, Camping / Nature, Gardening / Landscaping, Investing / Finance Food: American, French, Italian, Chinese / Dim Sum Music: Country / Dance / Techno, Jazz / Blues, Pop, Rock,
