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36 - 70 of 100
32 Ibirité, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Seeking: Male 46 - 70
Body style: Athletic
My name is Camila Fernanda , 32 years .. single without children .. or nature lover. I love to enjoy beach, places, dinners for two or groups of friends. I like quieter environments where we can talk. Not short ballad. I really like bars with live music. . i love watching movies , and reading books .. i like to study and to be always updating myself. i am a nursing bachelor, work for several years in hospital . i feel happy in the profession of nurse. Currently I work in the oncology sector in the city of Belo Horizonte , I graduate in oncology and health management , I identify myself in the geriatrics sector , but it was not my priority for specialization studies , I work on alternate days in the hospital and on my other day I work with aesthetics focusing on linfatic drainage , modeling massages in clients with postoperative . now i want someone to share good times. travel , walk . or even stay at home .. i want a real man without lies or deception. i am a practitioner of gym and outdoor physical exercises , i love hiking , bicycles , meditation , and i fight jiu jitsu as leisure . and i love being in good company , regardless of the place , i'm sure that the people who make the place are people and not exactly the place in themselves . i want not only a life partner but a man to be my best friend !!! i want to enjoy good moments for two, having a wine and with good rhymes . i love jokes and conversations for long periods. i want to dedicate myself to a man who deserves my respect and my dedication .. i hope this man does not bother with my professional life, because i intend to work for more years ahead .. but we can adapt our exits to my moments of off.
39 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Seeking: Male 32 - 48
Body style: Athletic
35 Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Seeking: Male 30 - 50
Body style: Athletic
Hello, my name is Juliana and I currently live in Brazil, I'm on this site looking for love like many of you. Sabemos que é um lot de incredibly povo aqui que se looming para o mesmo que as me, dizer este porque no pasto que se pode que se a perso que taveram me a lot about life, mas unfortunatelly he died during the pandemic, e deixou decidido para retornar a lugar e trata. For a while I thought about giving up on finding love again, but I'm Brazilian and Brazilians never give up, that word doesn't exist in the Portuguese dictionary hahaha, and that's why I'm here again, I think I'm a Phoenix, because I can always be reassured of my ashes. Todo, em muitos ways, que o God will bring me, porque o saber que saber que o saber que o saber. Gostaria de saber que penso que penso no Deus e que é muito Deus-fearing, que é um dos fanaticos religioso, que o seu disse conseguinte, mas penso, que, que se quando o desepenso de nosso prazo de nosso prazo no seu hulho, que mazes nossos dreams come true, o livro proof de que. Seria ser abrir a meu que também considera na poder de Deus como o seu. I've already received some insults here because of my stance, but I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not, to please someone, sometimes real people can be a little scary in this world of so many fake people. Gostaria um perso que perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito, permitir, pelo que bem um bem ser humano e begando que é muito precioso no este livre. Don't ask me for nude photos or to show off on camera or anything like that, don't offer me money for any of these options, that's not my intention on this site, let's leave that to the sex workers, don't confuse me with women you might be used to. O que um mula seria com principais e valores ​​and I work and I don't need it. I want to be lucky, but once, and find a beautiful heart in this life as it was in the past, I don't care about your outer beauty, I want to know your inner beauty. This paragraph goes to you who will come into my life." I still don't know who you are, but the curious thing is that I know where you live, this may be crazy to some people, but that's what it is. , A lhe que fazer a praça, porque que que mazes us creio no que se 😍 😍 realizado no nossos livres aqui em Earth, mas que have already been decreed in heaven, e I asked heaven where you are and it simply answered me, mas esta é um secreto que continuo que pode tenho, quero que quando o saber que o que o desenvolver e que o nosso memento é muito close to happening and when you arrive I will make it worth all this waiting time, e todos os nimos que se pente sobre o meu knees sobre o floor asking god que se gostaria de que se a me, que se gostaria a care da you e protege de todos os desenvolvidos.” Desejo todos para find the love of their lives, as we were not made to live alone, but do not forget that full happiness is not found in a relationship, happiness is in God, only he can grant us the happiness we desire, happiness It is not in fortunes or material goods, but in Jesus Christ, no one can fill his space in our hearts, which is why we offer a relationship frustrated because we place too many expectations on a person, porque, que acompanhante que o nosso happiness depends on a human being, este é um mistura. Sabemos que muitos de nos ter que a muitos de nos ter que a seu ponto no nossas livres, quando sabemos sabemos, temos de tudo? God can fill this emptiness and when we realize this, our life changes, things flow and we move toward our dreamlike happiness, I speak this from experience, I wish the best for each of you, because we must love our neighbors as ourselves, e que é quanto quanto quanto quanto, quando os valores ​​you e que acompanham quem que se quem que se quem quem que é quem qual, porque é apenas, é apenas, é o que, apenas, de seus valor, descubra. Don't settle for less than you should. Respectivamente, “, o senhor deputado, e que”, que se fazer o desires da sua! (Psalms 37-4). ❤️ p.s. I will not pass on my contact details to anyone who has not had a pleasant conversation with me here on the site, so do not send me a vague message with just the words Skype/Whatsapp as I delete this type of message without the lighter curiosity to look at your profile . Respectfully, Juliana
57 Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Seeking: Male 45 - 59
Body style: Athletic
brasileña. Latin, mezcla de Europa y America. Created in the setumbres, conservadoras y traditionalistas del sur. It was a very conservative. A sou La Fé is something relevant to mi. Believe that Cuerpo; Mind; spiritu, you are an inseparable paquete in an impregnable armonia. I love to cultivate the tradiciones y setumbres , there's identity, so much that in the perjudicata nothing, the nadie ni offends the universales principles of respeto and buenas relate between personas, offends Dios. The naturaleza. Orgullosa de mi nacion y cultura, es ricquisima y vai mucho mais alla de carnavales, desnudos y futbol. Mucho bad! The medios de comunicacion national and international, there was destroyed there true soul and cultural image of Mi Pais, con imagenes atrayentes a fin de sacar proecho funnero y atraer tourism with dudodo and vulgar motives. Pero is a national with mucha culture , beauty and wealth but alla of all this offensive and degrading picture about nosotras, mainly about the murenas. ESO is A LASTIMA DE VERDAD ! I love to conocer the other cultures tambien. And learn. Some but others. Rodeo de gente con los mismos principles, energy. Y that can bring something positive to Mi Vida. No soy feliz y completo sin practice some physical activity the deporte, the varios. La musica enchants me; in all. Lyric, jazz, bossa nova, classiicas , some other pops. You are to break the silence that sea with beautiful sonido, that is worth it. I like so much cuanto el silencio. AL less for a moment of the day. I apasiona el mar, la naturaleza y los animales. Los Perfumes, las Velas. mi hogar lleno de colores y aromas. I guide the antiguo y Rustico. Aunque, tambien mezclar lo contemporary. Lo history. La geography y Los maps. Food sanas, y saludable. La dieta mediterranea es mi preferred. I HATE DRUGS, VULGAR PEOPLE, MALICIOUS AND PERVERSIONES.
30 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Seeking: Male 34 - 49
Body style: Athletic
I am a woman companion, friend, caring, safe, cheerful, loyal, romantic, faithful. 🌹🎼🎤🌪❤️ Llegaste a day to convert ready to life Dibujamos all the lespend and hope to be happy Bsame the matame in the vaya to be that I love and you step that leave this time in the hay quien dares to dudar of you and of me Ni quien control this love y this suffrir no hay quien Tell us that no hay that decide y si scream that hoy should I go no hay quien stop me, yo See that you are of verdad Sé that sustains you as a fool of mocking in the dejaré that this ends up in the evil Sé that is pued, if you can love ignore the noise Recuerda soil all lived together conmigo hay a future If we are united Rendirnos never smoke an option that bebé the matame in the vaya to be that it loves me and pidas that forgives another time in the hay quien dares to endure from you and me Ni quien control this love and this suffrir no hay quien tell us that no hay that decides Y si me scream that hoy should go no hay quien stop me, yo See that you are of verdad Sé that sustains you as a fool of mocking in the dejaré that this ends up in the evil Sé that is pued, if you can love in the hay quien dare to dudar of you and of me Ni quien control this love and this suffrir no hay quien tell us that no hay que decide Y si me scream that hoy should go no hay quien stop me, yo sé que se de verdad Sé que acsustante a manas de luchar no dejaré que se end up in the evil Sé que puede , if she can love Sé que se puede, if she can love...❤️...🧍🏼.🧍🏻‍♀️
41 Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Seeking: Male 33 - 48
Body style: Athletic
