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1 - 35 de 100
. Walter
53 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 28 - 50
I live in Chile, mas cincuenta y seis, nueve cincuenta y uno,quinientos setenta y dos, seis cincuenta y ocho, I will be very honest, being a man is not only virility, there is also an added value that is the truth. I have gone through hard and painful experiences regarding relationships where I saw lies, manipulations, disloyalty and the worst, abandonment... But the situations are neither bad nor good, they just are, and you give them the power to affect you or not. There is only growth and emotional maturity. I am a Public Official, soon to retire, Martial Arts Instructor, Therapist with Diplomas in Chinese Medicine, Physiotherapy, Reiki, Psychotherapy, Comprehensive Yoga Instructor... I like sports, I have a project new that I am creating for Fitness, I work hard, I strive to live decently, I am a professional, and with my lived and learned experiences. No matter what the past, not all people come to Your life to stay, sometimes they come to learn, I live my present and I know that there are still good people, I'm just looking for a good woman who gives me peace, harmony, loyalty, transparency in everything, starting with cell phones and social networks, there is a bad practice of keeping secrets on networks or phones arguing a supposed privacy. Any sign of Toxicity, Rude People and bad habits I walk away immediately. I am looking for a woman who wants to enjoy a beautiful relationship, I do NOT want to have more children. A person who enjoys his home, family, delicious cooking, barbecue, enjoying a wine burner, traveling to nature in a cabin on the shores of a lake or similar...doing things together, being loyal and respecting your relationship, is everything a man wants in life. That I am willing to create a beautiful home with love... I am not a millionaire, I do not offer luxuries or pleasure trips, everything can be done with effort and give us pleasure in life, go out, enjoy, eat, etc., I say this because Today's interest in material things marks a lot, they prioritize the material, what man offers them and leave the person in the background. I prefer a woman who is beautiful in every sense, humble at heart, simple and who seeks love, care and loyalty in her Man, Not Toxic or with traces of the past... Nor exhibitionists who do not respect her body, YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE, IF ANY MAN CAN HAVE IT OR SEE IT, YOU ARE NOT USED TO HAVE AN HONEST RELATIONSHIP... These are values ​​lost today... I love a pretty, attractive woman, but the man must take care of himself too, out of respect for the woman and that there is always that spark of attraction, "but be careful", we are not impressed by breasts, buttocks and produced faces, if there are no values, good treatment and education in a woman or man... Men like me, we are at another level of experiences, we do not walk like little children Behind sex as a priority, we seek a mental, physical and spiritual balance, sex is a delight with the right person and that you love, the best, but the person is more than a physical pleasure. A suitable woman fills and spiritually enriches a man. man and makes him his forever... It's Done 🙏
59 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 30 - 55
55 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 21 - 55
Mi nombre es Sergio, soy ingeniero con máster en economía. Te contaré lo que quieras sobre mí, pero antes por favor lee mi perfil y si crees que compartimos intereses mi s-k-y-p-e es el nombre de mi perfil. Me encanta hacer deportes, todas las expresiones artísticas, leer, pasear y en general valoro más los detalles que las apariencias, soy observador. Me gusta compartir con gente que tenga cosas que contar y con buen sentido del humor. Me gusta conocer, más que los lugares, a su gente.Disfruto de una buena copa de vino, al lado de una chimenea, en un jardín o donde sea, con tal que sea con una buena compañía. Me interesa más la edad mental que la edad física pero me atrae el tipo de mujer que (sin que eso sea una obsesión o un fin, en lugar de una expresión de quererse) cuida y gusta de sí misma (creo que solo quien gusta de sí puede gustar también del otro). Más que tu edad, me importa que tengas las energías y estado de ánimo para salir en bicicleta; recorrer senderos en la montaña; la playa o en los bosques...y los caminos de la sensualidad...y que tengas la madurez necesaria para compartir mas que poseer, para entregar y recibir, y mantener una relación que pueda sustentarse en el cariño, en la entrega, en la complicidad y lealtad, y en el respeto mutuo, incluyendo la individualidad del otro. - [ ] Meu nome é Sergio e o deste perfil é o meu s_k_y_pe. Sou engenheiro e economista. Gosto de todas as expressões artísticas, de passéiar pela praia, a montanha ou o sertão (ainda mais se for com alguém que gostar disso também) da boa música, de conhecer lugares e gente, de un bom vinho com uma boa companhia, enfim das coisas simples, especialmente daquelas que depois não se esquecem. Eu sou um homem sério e respetuoso na procura de uma mulher doce e sincera, que saiba o que quer. Não sou membro pago, nem vou ser, por uma questão de seguridade dos meus dados financeiros. Se você quiser saber mais de mim, me dé um olá, com certeza a gente vai achar uma maneira de se falar.
58 La Serena, Coquimbo, Chile
Buscando: Mujer 25 - 50
50 Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
Buscando: Mujer 50 - 55
51 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 40 - 50
Alejandro Hidalgo
51 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 30 - 42
58 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 40 - 60
53 Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile
Buscando: Mujer 31 - 50
Hector claudio castro ramirez
58 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 32 - 52
57 Temuco, Araucanía, Chile
Buscando: Mujer 33 - 52
52 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 32 - 60
50 Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
Buscando: Mujer 35 - 45
55 Santiago, Santiago (Metro), Chile
Buscando: Mujer 32 - 50

