
Conoce a Leo solteras colombianas

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Su Signo Zodiacal



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25 Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Buscando: Hombre 27 - 59
Signo zodiacal: Leo
SOY UNA MUJER TRANSEXUAL - I AM A TRANSSEXUAL WOMAN. ANTES DE ENVIARME UN MENSAJE LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE EL PERFIL/BEFORE SENDING ME A MESSAGE PLEASE READ CAREFULL THE PROFILE. Vivo en Medellín, Colombia y actualmente me dedico a estudiar, mi estilo de vida es relajado, me gusta estar en entornos naturales y conocer lugares agradables, en mi tiempo libre me gusta nadar, acampar, patinar, ver series, documentales, películas, me gusta ku ho el terror y laa investigaciones policiacas, a veces mw gusta pasar tiempo con amigos o a veces con familia así como aveces prefiero está sola, me gusta meditar. Soy una persona muy directa, me gusta hablar claro y que me hablen claro, soy muy divertida y me gustan las compras, me gusta la ropa escotada y las joyas y la lencería, puedo dar mucho placer y felicidad. Me gusta la música electrónica y algunos de sus subgéneros, escucho mucha música en inglés como el pop, trap, hip-hop, R&b, indie,... hablo inglés ya que hice algunos cursos y ahora en la universidad lo estoy mejorando. Si no tienes tabúes en tu cabeza puedes hablarme pero si solo tienes preguntas tontas sobre lo que pueda o no tener entre mia piernas solo desaparece, soy muy educada pero también grosera cuando debo serlo con personas irrespetuosas./ Siento mucha empatía por los animales, perros y gatos, soy voluntaria en una fundación dónde ayudan los perros y gatos víctimas de maltrato y abandono y también los que sobreviven en las calles. I am 23 years old, not the age they say there, I live in Medellín, Colombia and currently I dedicate myself to studying, my lifestyle is relaxed, I really like being in natural environments and seeing nice places, in my free time I like to swim, camping, skating, watching series, documentaries, movies, I like ku ho terror and police investigations, sometimes I like spending time with friends or sometimes with family as well as sometimes I prefer to be alone, I like to meditate. I am a very direct person, I like to speak clearly and to be spoken to clearly, I am very funny and I like shopping, I like low-cut clothes and jewelry and lingerie, I can give a lot of pleasure and happiness. I like electronic music and some of its sub-genres, I listen to a lot of music in English such as pop, trap, hip-hop, R & b, indie, ... I speak English since I did some courses and now in university I am improving it. If you do not have taboos in your head you can talk to me but if you only have silly questions about what I can or cannot have between my legs it just disappears, I am very polite but also rude when I have to be with disrespectful people. I feel a lot of empathy for animals, dogs and cats, I am a volunteer in a foundation where dogs and cats who are victims of abuse and abandonment and also those who survive on the streets help.
29 Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Buscando: Hombre 28 - 60
Signo zodiacal: Leo
56 Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Buscando: Hombre 50 - 64
Signo zodiacal: Leo
Hi. I am Carolina from Colombia, i would like to meet someone to share the rest of the life with him. This person must be someone who doesn't want to cheat or play with feelings. I am 56 years old, but the truth is that I feel like my body and my soul are still 20 years old. People even think that I am 15 years younger than I am. Nothing has changed at all, I think it happens to me like wine... you know ;-) I feel better because I have more wisdom and experience in life. I love to exercise both physically and mentally, and I eat healthily to keep my weight and my body in optimal condition. I am a happy woman and I enjoy every second of my day. Why do I say all of the above? Because you gentlemen think that because a woman turns 50 or older she is no longer as attractive as a 30-year-old woman, but that is not my case, in case you are interested in knowing. I would like to meet my soul mate or life partner because i still believe in the true love, commitment to have an excellent relationship. ( I am still learning English) :-) I am a very happy woman, and smile all the time, I am very friendly and enjoy the blessings that God give us each day... If you want to know something about me, feel free to ask. Some people are concern about the distance, that i live in Colombia and maybe you are in USA for example, and this is what i think about the distance: For me the distance is just a reason to fight and to believe and trust, for me when you want something you fight, is to move from the comfort zone, and explore different things. I don't know which is the problem to travel to a different country and know the person, spend time, and if you enjoy her or his company, think about the next step. People don't want to leave the comfort zone is what i think, and when something is not easy prefer to resign.

