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37 Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Buscando: Hombre 35 - 45
Ocupación: Educación-académico
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30) This is in short what I'm looking for: to be a good woman in the eyes of the Lord. 🙏 It's been a process. I've got so much to learn and improve, and I hope we can make a good team in order to grow and enjoy life together. So, please, if you're not Christian or not interested, don't mind contacting me. In other words, and I hope you don't find this offensive, but some differences are irreconcilable. I'm not interested in Buddhism, 'new eraism', Islam and so on. I DO RESPECT EVERYONE'S BELIEFS! Hope you respect mine as well 🤝. Additionally, if you are a rude and/or aggressive person, don't even text me. I'm tired of foolish wasting my time. Please. If you're not mature enough to control your words and behaviors, again, don't waste people's time. We are ADULTS and not meant to be in childish discussions! Spanish: si no es cristiano o no le interesa el tema. No perdamos el tiempo. Adicionalmente si es un grosero y un patán que no sabe controlar sus palabras y acciones, no me haga perder el tiempo. Siga su camino. Somos adultos para sabernos comunicar con RESPETO. Hay algunos necios que no saben controlarse y me molesta. *update*👇 If you don't describe yourself and what you're looking for in the description or the message, how on earth do you expect me to pay attention to it?? Please, amigos, a bit of common sense 🤯! Also, if there's only one picture, do you honestly think I'd take it seriously? (ESP: si su perfil sólo tiene una foto o dos, no me interesa. Si su perfil no tiene descripción, tampoco. A menos que, en su mensaje me diga quién es y qué busca). UPDATE: Recently I've received some messages saying: "oh, you have lots of requirements". Really??? If being straightforward and clear from the very beginning sounds like a lot of requirements to you, plz don't message me. It's not about requirements, it's about having an idea who you're talking to. Please bear in mind that I want by no means to be rude or impolite. I'm just being honest and straightforward so BOTH OF US don't WASTE time and energy. ** 🙏 and please (I know I might sound monotonous, but it's true) don't message me saying you don't like my profile or that I should say this or that. I'm not asking for your opinion. If you don't like my way of thinking and perceiving things, go ahead and continue your search but DON'T drain my energy reading your empty messages. **Lately I've received messages from people 20+ years older than me. And, yes, I did had daddy issues a while ago (since I had an absent father), but not any more, praise God 🙏 so, please understand that I DO CONSIDER AGE GAPS. Some facts about me: 1 . I don't have kids* and I'd love to know someone in equal conditions. *Some ask me if I want to be a mom... First, I really want to be a good wife. We'll see then... 2 . I'm 1.80m tall and I prefer dating taller guys. Sorry, but, although I don't prioritize physical appearance, height matters to me. 2.(ESP) Mido 1.80m y NO ME SIENTO A GUSTO SALIENDO con hombres más bajitos que yo. Nada personal! 3. 'm Christian. Bible-centered. I'm not perfect at all. But I daily acknowledge my need of the Good Shepherd, the Bread of life, my Savior, etc. I want to HIGHLIGHT this point because it influences my habits (ie prayer and Bible reading, church going); THEREFORE, if you're NOT Christian it won't work (believe me 🙏). So, again, let's save TIME and ENERGY. 4. Former theater actress. I loved acting and dreamed of being the best actress in the world hehe, but, well, not only I obviously didn't make it 😅💔 but, didn't like the industry and its dynamics. However, I'd love to work for a Christian film industry if possible. 4. Since I was in my mother's womb 🤗 I love physical activity and sports. I played tennis daily for 8 years and currently do physical activity daily (cycling, running, swimming). At the beginning of 2014 I was invited to ride a bike and since then I love to ride a bike. I really enjoy traveling and getting to know other cultures and stories. 🎾Update: I'm playing tennis again!!! Every day!!! 💚🎾 Update: due to a sprained ankle 🥺 I'm playing volleyball and doing lots of workouts at home 🏋🏻‍♀️ praiseGod for healthy habits. Update: sprained ankle a few days ago 😭 no tennis for a while. In short, I'd like to meet my life partner and be his helper :) and have a godly love story. **Bible-centered and Christ-centered** ; communion with God is a PRIORITY in my life. Now I'm looking for projects to undertake, travel the world (if possible), but ESPECIALLY do God's will 🙏 I'm currently looking for new projects (farming, eco building, tourism, traveling, and so on), but above all I wanna do is God's will. Ps:I don't know why it says WORKSHOP! It should say taller* than me. There's something wrong with the page. I work as a language teacher. And although it's not my professional passion, I enjoy serving others, and pedagogy has its good moments. Last but not least, you might think I'm a tough woman, and I might look like one, cuz I'm tall and athletic, but those who know me can tell you I like to be super tender, funny and loving. And, yes! I do talk to my stuffed animals 🤭... 🐶🐑🐰🐼🐢And they talk to me as well 😁 Now that you know a bit about myself, and perhaps you think that we'd write a love story together (along with God), go ahead and tell me a bit of yourself 🤗... Yes, I speak both English and Spanish.
47 Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia
Buscando: Hombre 45 - 63
Ocupación: Educación-académico
Una gran mujer y persona. Guapa, bien educada y con un trabajo estable, pero eso no significa que el dinero no sea un problema en mi vida ahora mismo. En fin... me gusta conocer gente y culturas. Tengo gustos variados y excéntricos. Desde adolescente me encanta la música clásica e instrumental. Sueño con algún día visitar Europa y estar en un gran concierto, entre muchos otros sueños. Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con italianos aquí en mi ciudad y he conocido gente de varias nacionalidades tanto europeas, asiáticos, como americanos de todos los hemisferios que han venido a mi ciudad. Me encanta la buena vida, la naturaleza, las plantas y animales, y la gente honesta. Amo al creador, sin fanatismos. Creo en las buenas causas y en el valor de la vida. Respeto a diferentes personas aunque no me relacione mucho con ellas, entiendo que somos humanos en busca de la felicidad. Odio a los borrachos y degenerados que sólo ven a las latinas como "indias o presas fáciles". Admito que no me gustan los chicos con tatuajes o pelo largo. Parecen aborígenes. Respeto esas cosas, pero que pena, no son de mi gusto y no todas lucen bien. Una mujer valiente y resiliente, tanto es así que un día antes de morir escribiré un libro... amante de la buena vida y sana, muy inteligente, noble pero no tonta, una mujer conversadora, buena oyente también, divertida, juguetona, cariñosa, leal, sencilla, facil de llevar, me gustan los niños, amo mi trabajo de maestra, en En resumen, un excelente amiga por lo menos.

